Danfoss SonoSelect 10 and SonoSafe 10
SonoSelect and SonoSafe are ultrasonic compact energy meters approved to MID class 2. Intended for measuring energy consumption in heating applications they feature upgradable communication slot, are focused on user friendliness via SonoApp and long operating life introducing genuine diagnostic function.
The Danfoss SonoSelect 10 and SonoSafe 10 are ultrasonic compact energy meters intended for measuring energy consumption in heating and cooling applications for billing purposes. The meters are designed for remote meter read-out (AMR). The energy meters consist of an ultrasonic flow sensor, a pair of Pt1000 temperature sensors and a calculator with integrated circuits for temperature measurement, flow calculation and energy calculation.
Feature highlights:
• Proven ultrasonic measuring principle designed for long operating life time
• No calming section or inlet/outlet restrictions
• Low pressure drop down to 0.03 bar at qp
• Large 85 x 35 mm LCD display with 8 digits (11.5 mm high), guiding menu and info panel
• Compact design
• Extensive change and error log
• Memory: 2 years of data, yearly and monthly values stored (incl. pulse input)
• Upgradable with communication modules
• Battery is replacable
• Communication baud rate 300, 2400, 4800 and 9600 bps
• SonoApp usable for Android (Bluetooth LE via dongle)

View more about Danfoss SonoSelect 10 and SonoSafe 10 on main site